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Why should you choose SperoFit?


We offer a wide range of services


Programme design


One to one personal training


Couples coaching


Body composition monitoring


Online coaching


Strength and conditioning training


Nutrition guidance


Fat loss training


The benefits of our personal training

  • Advanced exercise and fitness knowledge and experience

  • Demonstrations of the correct movement patterns and techniques

  • Advanced periodisation and programme design

  • Increased motivation, the provision of support and guidance leading to exercise adherence

  • Reduction of the risk of injury associated with training as the programme is individualised

  • An accurate record of training status and client information

  • Goals can be achieved more quickly and effectively

  • Provision of nutritional advice

  • Specialist advice on training

  • Explore how to fit your training around YOUR LIFE not fit your life around your training

Lifestyle understanding

We understand every aspect of your lifestyle and tailor your plan around you


Working hours, location, postural adaptions. Physicality may affect your posture, whether your job is physical in nature and the effect it has upon the rest you require.


Physicality/Sport related, sedentary, time consuming. Types of hobbies may affect time to train, type of training, days of training, rest required. If physical or sporting may need to develop into the programme

Physical activity patterns

Identifying current and past activity levels and establishing areas of activity you enjoy. Identifying small changes that you could make i.e. using stairs rather than lifts/ escalators etc.

Nutritional Habits

Completion of a food diary will highlight nutritional habits. Nutritional intake is an important factor of physical activity – it may affect goals, energy levels and your mood.


If you smoke, how often and how many, this could affect cardiovascular and respiratory fitness

Alcohol consumption

How often and how much – This may affect hydration, coordination levels. It may impact your nutrition and their achievement of goals

Sleeping patterns

What are your current sleeping patterns? Rest plays just as an important part as exercise not only physically but mentally. The amount and quality of sleep you get can directly affect goals, motivation etc.

Travel considerations

Do you drive, how you commute/travel, This Affects physical activity levels, High levels of commuting in a seated position may affect posture/lower back
